“Cage Of Limitations” : Original Artwork by Karien Bredenkamp
“Cage Of Limitations” : Mat Boards that Original and Limited Edition Prints get shipped in

"Cage Of Limitations"

Sale price$35.00
Print Or Original?:Limited Edition Print
Only 47 units left

Prints: Limited edition of 50

About The Artwork: 

"Cage Of Limitations" is a surreal black-and-white illustration featuring a cage, butterflies, and leaves to represent the idea of being limited by our beliefs, expectations, and self-imposed rules. It's an eye-catching work of art that will draw attention in any room it hangs in.

The cage in the center of the piece serves as a metaphor for these boundaries and how they can restrict our potential. The steel bars represent the strength of these constraints, while the butterflies fluttering around them offer hope of freedom and transformation. The leaves scattered within the cage evoke a longing for growth, potential, and possibility despite these perceived limitations. Butterflies symbolize change and transformation, so their presence in this piece reminds us that we can break free from our cages.

"Cage Of Limitations" is an evocative piece that celebrates the power of freedom and the innateness of our capabilities. This captivating work prompts viewers to contemplate their lives, inspiring them to push past any boundaries obstructing personal growth.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." — Maya Angelou

What do you see?

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