“Disentanglement” : Original Artwork by Karien Bredenkamp
“Disentanglement” : Mat Boards that Original and Limited Edition Prints get shipped in


Sale price$35.00
Print Or Original?:Limited Edition Print
Only 23 units left

Prints: Limited edition of 25

About The Artwork: 

This surreal black-and-white illustration, titled "Disentanglement," captures the complexity of our lives through symbols like hands, gears, chains, and strings of beads.

On one level, hands represent our physical capabilities and the ability to manipulate our environment. This can be seen in how hands are used to unbuckle chains, loosen strings of beads, and remove gears from their tight connections. On a deeper level, hands can symbolize our emotional capacities, where we use them to mend relationships and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

Gears are another powerful symbol in this art piece, representing the complex interrelatedness of life's facets. This image speaks to how our lives are often interconnected with others, where one person's actions can have ripple effects throughout the entire system.

Chains are also prominently featured in "Disentanglement," signifying the various restraints we put on ourselves. These chains can be seen as literal shackles, indicating the need to break free from our self-imposed limitations and find a way to soar.

The strings of beads in "Disentanglement" provide an exciting contrast to the other elements. While hands and gears represent the complexity of life, beads symbolize its simplicity. By untangling these strands, we are reminded that life can be both complex and uncomplicated.

Consider what it means for yourself as you take in this artwork - breaking free from mental or emotional entrapment? Or perhaps finding harmony amidst the chaos? With this thought-provoking work by your side, you can explore these ideas further and find peace within yourself.

"True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into jail." — Rajneesh

What do you see?

I am a collector of interpretations - if you have a unique explanation of what any of my illustrations mean to you, please submit it here:

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